Monday, April 6, 2009


People, I'm sorry this is too hard to keep up with, I'm quitting the website, why am I even typing, no one goes to the site, sigh IF ANYONE IS READING THIS IT'S, TRUE!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009


So the snow puffle is out! heres what I've figured out cookie:slices in half,bath: freezes, bubble gum: freezes and bubblegum breaks. Also if dancing it snows above his head. O.K. theres a lot of catalog secrets, 1st page click the pot of gold to get it, 2nd page click the word more,4th page click the light square open and close 4 times if wanted, 5th page click fee, 9th page click purple square on dance floor, 11th page click r in clearance, thats it for that, theres also St. Patrick's day stuff coming, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009


So the new pin is at the iceberg, it's an O' berry, also Rock hopper came and his free item is a map background, also a furniture cheat, if you go to his furniture catalog click the X on the furniture map and you get a porthole for 160 coins. Yarr is missing but if you see Rockhopper tell me if Yarr is with him because his to-do list has walk Yarr on it, also the picture in the bottom-left of his notice board has a white puffle poking out from behind it!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


So guys remember that poster with the extra puffle? It's a white puffle!!! it's totally awesome it appears in a bush in the dojo courtyard and in the bush right by the words "Bunny hill" in the Ski hill every 30 minutes. So you can find it in those places at any time that ends in :30 or :00. I wonder when we will be able to buy them, I wonder if it's a member puffle, I wonder if it will be in the newspaper, I wonder if I wonder too much?

Friday, February 20, 2009


Rockhopper's comin' to party


S o theres a new catalog out one cheat is noon page 6, click the piniata. The next item cheat is on page 8 and click the tower in the title the last cheat is on page nine, click the velvet rope. WHY ARE THERE SO FEW CHEATS!!!!!


So it's finally here, theres a room for each puffle! theres a puff bandanna at the cove and check out the lighthouse and the puffle feeding place in the snow forts

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Here's a picture of the new puffle catalog coming out soon


Check out this thing, there's a puffle in the puffle condo one up from the pink puffle, it's mystery 

Friday, February 13, 2009


So we have a new pin at the mine it's the box O' puffle O's also one cheat in the catalog go to the dodgeball page and click on the dodgeball the farthest penguin is holding.